Program Improvement

港口管理进步中心很高兴地与大家分享,我们已经获得批准,可以更新我们的M.S. in Port and Terminal Management from a 36 hr. program to a 30 hr. program. This will be implemented on 1 January 2024 for new incoming students. 该网站现在反映了新生的学位变化.

Master of Science in Port and Terminal Management 

  • 完全在线异步课程允许学生访问世界任何地方的课程
  • 10 courses taught in 8-week semesters
  • 每门课程都有各自领域专家的额外讲座
  • 由十大电子游艺网站排行商业与工程学院讲师和行业专业人士授课
  • Pre-recorded as well as ‘live’ sessions 

To earn this degree, Students must maintain a 3.完成下列10门3学分的课程,并完成一篇期末论文或项目答辩. Of the 10 courses, 学生必须从领导力类别中选择至少一门课程,从海事金融类别中选择至少一门课程.

Leadership Courses
BULW 5320 Leadership and Negotiation M. Baldo Spring 
MGMT 5313 Team Leadership B. Mayer Fall 
Maritime Finance
ECON 5333 Economics of Ports and Trade G. Schatz Fall
INEN 5307 Capital Projects A. Marquez Spring
INEN 5309 Strategic and Master Facility Planning C. Clott Spring
MGMT 5333 Port Property and Asset Management TBA Summer
Other Course Options
INEN 5302 Intro. to Port Management TBA Fall
INEN 5304 Risk Analysis and Decision Making M. Hamidi Spring
INEN 5306 Freight Transportation and Logistics G. Muller Fall
INEN 5308 Port Security and Resiliency Planning R. Dubois Spring
INEN 5310 Marine Terminal Operations M. Hamidi Fall
BULW 5333 Legal Frameworks of Ports and Trade M. Baldo Spring
CPSC 5363** Cybersecurity TBA TBA


**Pre-Approval Required For This Course.

Admissions Requirements

  • Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited university
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
  • AAPA PPM Certification -具有AAPA PPM认证的未来十大电子游艺网站排行学生有资格申请最多9个学期的学分. Click here for a detailed description of the policy.

Application Instructions

Graduate Certificates

CAPM提供三种独特的在线证书,非常适合那些希望增加知识但不希望获得完整硕士学位的人. 在成功完成四门课程和最低绩点达到3分的情况下颁发证书.0. 三个证书的课程可以合并为30小时. M.S. in Port and Terminal Management Degree.

Ports, Trade & Global Logistics Certificate

BULW 5333

Legal Framework of Ports and Trade

M. Baldo


INEN 5302

Introduction to Port Management



INEN 5306

Freight Transportation Logistics

G. Muller


ECON 5333

Economics of Ports and Trade

G. Schatz



Port and Marine Terminal Development and Operations Certificate

INEN 5307

Capital Projects

A. Marquez


INEN 5309

Strategic and Master Facility Planning

C. Clott


INEN 5304

Risk Analysis and Decision Making

M. Hamidi


INEN 5308

Port Security and Resiliency Planning

R. Dubois



The Management of Port & Marine Terminals Certificate

MGMT 5333

Port Property and Asset Management



INEN 5310

Marine Terminal Operations

M. Hamidi


MGMT 5313

Team Leadership

B. Mayer


BULW 5320

Leadership and Negotiation

M. Baldo



Certificates Admissions Requirements

  • Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited university
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities

Step-by-Step Instructions


Course Descriptions 

INEN 5302 Introduction to Port Management

本课程将概述港务局和海运码头管理的所有方面和考虑因素,这些港口和海运码头涉及广泛的公共和私人拥有和经营的设施. 本课程还将讨论治理和组织结构的选择及其影响.

INEN 5304 Risk Analysis and Decision Making

本课程旨在分析风险分析的原理和应用. Special risk analysis will be given to port operations, port security and management under extreme events. 管理关键基础设施,特别是在港口运营和管理方面,将在风险方面进行讨论, venerability and resilience perspectives. 港口和其他关键基础设施之间的相互依赖关系将在本课程中进行检查.

BULW 5320 Leadership and Negotiation

本课程的重点是在谈判和多才多艺的领导技能的发展,重要的有效管理的变化. Through role playing exercises, tapes, diagnostic tools, seminar discussion, selected readings, 学生将学习理论,并建立必要的技能,以实现目标,并在不同的团体和组织提供领导.

BULW 5333 Legal Framework of Ports and Trade

北美和全球贸易的法律框架,以及各种港口和海运码头的发展和运营, including trade policy, incoterms, customs rules, and environmental regulation. (关于安全和安保的规定将在这些主题的课程中讨论).

MGMT 5313 Team Leadership

本课程教授富兰克林/柯维的领导力:伟大的领导者,伟大的团队和伟大的成果. 通过执行伟大领导者的四项要求,释放团队的才能和能力. 本课程将帮助学生学习如何建立信誉和信任他人, 定义团队的目标,并使其与组织的目标保持一致, 并鼓励团队中独特人才的成长和责任.  

MGMT 5333 Port Property and Asset Management

港口是一个资产密集型行业,越来越受到资本限制,需要大量投资来增加港口容量, productivity, and maximize cargo throughput. 本课程开发了理解和管理港口真正的基础设施投资价值所需的工具. With the significant increase in global shipping, 新形式的所有权和融资港口投资以及可靠的“公平市场”港口资源的资产估值将涵盖在本课程.

INEN 5306 Freight Transportation Logistics

本课程提供了美国和全球货运系统的概述, 从各种运输方式的角度分析基础设施要求和货物路线标准, as well as from port authorities and marine terminal operators. 

INEN 5307 Capital Projects

Individual project planning, financing and construction. Implementation of the master facility plan. Application of decision modeling. 资本项目的规划、设计、财务、建设、运营和维护方法.

ECON 5333 Economics of Ports and Trade

对国际贸易进行宏观经济概述,然后对港口和海运码头进行微观经济研究. Through seminar discussion, selected readings, 学生将学习与港口和海运码头有关的国际贸易的理论和实践方面.

INEN 5308 Port Security and Resiliency Planning

在港口管理的背景下,安全和弹性规划的原则和应用,以及港口对中断和不对称攻击的脆弱性进行了检查, critical port security incidents, and defensive measures. The management of critical port infrastructure in terms of risk, vulnerability and resilience perspectives, 并探讨了港口业务与其他关键运输基础设施的相互依存关系.

INEN 5309 Strategic and Master Facility Planning

Course covering strategic, business and facility planning, steps required in each planning effort, including organizational involvement, implementation and measures of success. Case studies will be used to illustrate processes and outcomes.

INEN 5310 Marine Terminal Operations

Facilities, equipment, technology, 各种码头操作和货物的流程和程序, including cruise passengers. 学生将接触到各种模拟练习,以展示现代海运码头的运作方式.